What is tracked in vehicle tracking for commercial fleets?

Many companies use a vehicle tracking system to determine locations and additional data about their fleet of vehicles. Traditionally, tracking devices rely on either GPS or GLONMASS technology to locate the vehicle. Vehicle tracking systems are most commonly utilized by fleet operators for tracking, routing, dispatching, on-board information and security purposes. Additionally, some tracking devices provide information on the operator’s driving behavior and can be used to track their whereabouts.

Vehicle tracking for commercial fleetsTraditionally, companies utilizing a tracking system will install a GPS device in each of their vehicles. The GPS system captures and stores information about where the vehicle is currently and where it is going next. Furthermore, the GPS monitor can provide additional information about the vehicle including fuel level, tire pressure, computed odometer and more. In addition to the information provided on the user interface, the GPS system includes a tracking server that will store and secure the material for future use.

For companies, knowing where their fleet of vehicle’s are allows the business to operate more efficiently. As a result, a vehicle tracking system can be utilized so that the customer’s needs can be met more quickly and effectively. When managing a fleet of vehicles, knowing the location of each one is imperative especially for businesses involved in customer service. By having a tracking system, businesses receive real time updates on where each vehicle is and can relay this information to customers. Furthermore, tracking the location of every vehicle allows companies to dispatch employees more effectively. Instead of sending a driver who is on the other side of town to a rush job, the dispatcher will have up to the minute information on the closest vehicle to the requested location. The commercial vehicle tracking devices features do vary and some more suited based on gps vehicle tracking, ram vehicle tracking, lorry tracking system, truck tracking system.

In addition to knowing where every vehicle is located, a tracking system allows valuable assets and products to be constantly monitored. Companies that transport expensive items or valuable assets can monitor the minute-to-minute location of that item on a vehicle tracking system. For companies that specialize in sales having a vehicle tracking system can be a lifesaver for both the salesperson and the customer. Since a salesperson is always on the road, having an accurate GPS device is imperative. Often, a sales professional finds themselves in unfamiliar territory and a GPS tracking system can increase productivity, reduce time spend driving and increase customer service.

Tracking devices for commercial fleets can also monitor fuel consumption and distance traveled. Companies that utilize a tracking system may be able to determine ways to save money from fuel by finding shorter routes or be able to better manage drivers by sending the closest person to the nearest job. Additionally, vehicle tracking for commercial fleets include distance calculation. Commercial vehicle fleets may be purchased in bulk; however, they are not immune from needing regular maintenance and service appointments. Consequently, a vehicle tracking system can be determine when a vehicle in a commercial fleet needs to be serviced depending on its mileage.

In conclusion, tracking devices for commercial fleets plot vehicle locations, provide driver information, monitor fuel consumption, maintain good driving practices and more. The use of a tracking system for commercial fleets can lead to increased productivity, happier customers and bigger profits. Take these points into account when choosing commercial vehicle tracking devices whether for example gps vehicle tracking, ram vehicle tracking, a lorry tracking system or a truck tracking system.

See our article here on Black box insurance for vans or commercial fleets.

    Robert Prime

    Robert Prime launched telematics.com in early 2013 and has over 10 years experience in the financial sector. He specialises in business startups and online marketing with a passion for new technology.

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