AEMP 2014 to help fleet managers learn to use telematics effectively

We do a lot of talking up telematics here, which isn’t too surprising considering it’s in the name, but there is, like any new technology a bit of a learning curve. While I’m sure some of you have dived right in and found it quite intuitive, others may find it a little more daunting to begin tracking all of that information at once, especially considering all of the buzzwords that are used in relation to it. With that in mine, the 2014 Asset Management Symposium, is going to be dedicating its education section to the basics of telematics and how to get the most benefit from them.

Set to be held between the 3rd and 5th of November in Nashville, Tennessee, some of the highlights of the educational aspects of the conference will include:

  • Fleet managers from several different companies will talk about how you can gain a competitive advantage in your business thanks to telematics.
  • Some experts from waste management, which have adopted telematics in a big way, will talk about the different stages of telematics adoption and how you can move from one to the other.
  • Several telematics production companies will discuss what the gold standard in the technology is and what you should be looking for to provide the types of telematics needs you have.
  • Others will talk about some of the problems you can run into with using telematics and how to get around them.

AEMP has had a big stake in the telematics industry for some time now, announcing voluntary standards that all operators should abide by in order to improve and standardise some of the most common aspects of the tracking hardware and software.


One of the most influential people speaking at the event, will be closer Christopher Rezendes, who’s been an advisor for hundreds of different technological companies over the years, including AEMP, helping them take new approaches to common problems that allow them to remain competitive in their chosen business.

However if you’re more up on telematics than the average early adopter, then feel free to attend many of the other excellent speeches and talks which are going on over the three days of the conference. On Monday, there’s a reception with the AEMP members, followed by speeches and talks on the Tuesday on telematics and their industry benefits. There’s also a “Family Feud,” event in the afternoon which sees an OEM go head to head with a fleet manager!

The third day of the event will have a bit more of a focus on a specific industry: construction, though still with a telematics focus. Some of the speakers include Ken Simonson, chief economist at Associated General Contractors of America, who’ll be discussing spending, labour costs and materials as they change over the next few years with the ever evolving economic climate and recovery. 

If you’d like to attend the symposium, you can book tickets and get more information on the official site, here.

[Thanks Equipment World]

    Jon Martindale

    Jon Martindale is an English author and journalist, who's written for a number of high-profile technology news outlets, covering everything from the latest hardware and software releases, to hacking scandals and online activism.

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