Robert Prime

Usage Based Insurance (UBI) Pros and Cons, Who Is It Good For?
Usage-based Insurance (UBI) is a type of insurance where the premium paid depends on the...
Telematics FAQ
Q: What is telematics? Telematics is the name for a broad range of technologies that...
Black box insurance for vans or commercial fleets
Telematics insurance policies have a longer history of being used for fleet vehicles - whether...
Aviva Telematics Insurance Review
Aviva were one of the earliest insurers to provide a telematics product anywhere, under their... Fleet Telematics Review is an arm of the well known Direct Line Group based in the UK,...
Telematics Insurance Glossary
Advanced Driving Test - This is a test that assesses your ability to drive at...
Black Box Insurance for Young Drivers
Telematics black box insurance offers some of the best savings to young drivers, and can...
Pay As You Drive (PAYD) Car Insurance Explained
How Pay As You Go Car Insurance  (PAYD) Can Save You Money We have had...
Coverbox Insurance
If you’re looking for a telematics policy that calculates your premiums solely on how much...
Girls Drive Better
Aimed squarely at new female drivers, ‘Girls Drive Better’ have been around long enough to...